There has been the St. Augustine Art & Craft Festival, Empty Bowls, the sale at the Arboretum, new shirts, banners, and more.
Here's what happened at our November meeting
We met at Marcia's house on Sunday November 15th.
We finalized our plans for the Empty Bowls Luncheon.
We talked about the St. Augustine Art & Craft Festival.
We made a decision to donate $350.00, in remembrance of our friend and former President Jo Nell. Her church, Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra Beach, will receive our gift.
We got our new Clay Network T-shirts! They look great! There are some extras, so if you would like to have one they are $20.00. The Clay Network banners are ready to display at our upcoming events and they are bold and beautiful.
Jennelle, sent us information about “Art & About” in Orange Park on April 24th. Submit your application by Jan. 24th.
Mary Ellen requested donations for Habitat for Humanity.
More information about these events has been posted on the side under “Opportunities”.
Don't forget that Dues are due in January. For 2010, they will be $25, or $40 for a couple.
Marcia showed her “photo cube”.
She uses 60w daylight florescent bulbs, and rip stop nylon, to make the light diffusing side panels and top. Foam core is cut to make the frame. She has some high quality paper for the backdrop. Please let Marcia know if you want to make your own, she will be glad to advise you. She would like to sell her extra backdrop paper.
You are invited to bring your clay art and camera to the next meeting to make high quality photos after the meeting.
Mary Ellen asked about the seaweed sagger firing. Margaret will collect seaweed to dry.
There was discussion regarding next year's officers. Mary Ellen will lead the nominating committee.
Please let her know if you are interested in a board position, or if you would like to nominate someone.
Our Program featured Randy our web Master. He showed us the “under construction” web site he is preparing for us. The new Clay Network web site will give us space to display our Member's Gallery pictures, and other content, with the newsletter incorporated (linked) as an important part of that site. We won't have two separate sites when this is done. It will be one. One address to access everything. This Malleable Times Newsletter will be accessed by clicking the Newsletter button on the menu.
If you have ideas for the structure of the site, or photos of your work for the Member's Gallery, please contact Marcia. She will pass along the CDs or other information to Randy.
Some members took the opportunity to photograph their work with Marcia's Photo Cube.
We all enjoyed a delicious pot luck meal, and good conversation.
A big "THANK YOU" to Wild Ginger Studios for donating clay for our demonstrations at the art festival!
More photos from the St. Augustine Fall Art & Craft Festival