Join Us for Our November Clay Network Member Meeting
When: November 13, Sunday
Time: 2 pm - 5 pm
Where: Florida State College at Jacksonville
Directions: We will be meeting in the Design studio, M3110 and the Ceramics Studio M4110,
Turn onto campus from the light at Beach Blvd. Turn left at the stop sign and follow the perimeter road around to the West parking lot.
There are faded red M3 and M4 letters on the ends of the building facing the parking lot. Both spaces can be accessed from the courtyard in between the buildings.
Michael Cottrell of FSCJ will demonstrate 3D printing and how it is used for the ceramic artist.
We'll start off with our CN meeting, have our potluck meal, then Michael will wow us with technology!
Remember to bring a dish to share and your utensils and beverage. Bring a friend!
Contact us
Do you have a passion for all things clay? Do you want to know more about Clay Network?
For information including, membership, the dates and locations of our next meeting, and upcoming shows, sales, and workshops, please contact our Corresponding Secretary at
We are on FACEBOOK and Instagram too. You can contact us there if you like.
Clay Network would like you to know about opportunities in our area:
If you know of an event that would be of interest to members, please send details to our secretary at You can also comment on FACEBOOK and send us Facebook messages too.
Our FACEBOOK page is up to date with the latest Clay Network happenings, and SO MUCH MORE!
Follow us on Instagram (@claynetworkflorida) as well.