A note from Marcia
There is so much excitement to share! In less than two short months much has been accomplished to secure a healthy direction for Clay Network. Dedicated board members have expended countless hours researching, developing and securing opportunities for our membership. Marketing strategies were identified and immediately acted upon. A web presence is in place and awaiting expansion. It certainly has been a busy eight weeks! The beach will be a perfect setting for our next meeting. Clay Network’s new look will be unveiled and decisions will be made as to how we conduct business as we look to fulfill our mission statement. Our thanks to Margaret Jimeson, for not only hosting our upcoming meeting at her oceanfront home, but for the program she will present. My deepest gratitude to our remarkable board for their efforts and rising to the occasion when asked. Without their hard work, my job these past few weeks would have been quite difficult …perhaps even insurmountable. I am fortunate indeed.
Thank you.
See you all, Sunday, April 26th.
Marcia Scheeter
Minutes from the January Meeting will be read at the next meeting in April.
Members who wish to read them before then, please contact Lisa and she will send you a copy
Our meetings are open to all.
If you are not a member you can receive
directions to meetings by contacting our secretary.
Members will be e-mailed directions prior to the meetings.
Hosts for 2009 meetings:
April 26th -at Margaret's home
July 19th - Karen M's
October 18th -either the home of Marcia or Jonell
January 17th , 2010 - Lisa 's home
Officers of the club for the year 2009:
President – Marcia Scheeter
Vice President for programs – Christie Rogers
Treasurer – Margaret Jimeson
Secretary/Newsletter – Lisa Woodruff
Librarian – Jane Langford ___________________________________________________________
Karen Johnson-Akers has two studio spaces for rent in her gallery.
$225 for approximately12'x12' and $200 for 10'x10' per month each. Two large windows and a large closet in each room You can e-mail her at reddbird@comcast.net or call 703-9349 if you are interested.
There is so much excitement to share! In less than two short months much has been accomplished to secure a healthy direction for Clay Network. Dedicated board members have expended countless hours researching, developing and securing opportunities for our membership. Marketing strategies were identified and immediately acted upon. A web presence is in place and awaiting expansion. It certainly has been a busy eight weeks! The beach will be a perfect setting for our next meeting. Clay Network’s new look will be unveiled and decisions will be made as to how we conduct business as we look to fulfill our mission statement. Our thanks to Margaret Jimeson, for not only hosting our upcoming meeting at her oceanfront home, but for the program she will present. My deepest gratitude to our remarkable board for their efforts and rising to the occasion when asked. Without their hard work, my job these past few weeks would have been quite difficult …perhaps even insurmountable. I am fortunate indeed.
Thank you.
See you all, Sunday, April 26th.
Marcia Scheeter
Minutes from the January Meeting will be read at the next meeting in April.
Members who wish to read them before then, please contact Lisa and she will send you a copy
Our meetings are open to all.
If you are not a member you can receive
directions to meetings by contacting our secretary.
Members will be e-mailed directions prior to the meetings.
Hosts for 2009 meetings:
April 26th -at Margaret's home
July 19th - Karen M's
October 18th -either the home of Marcia or Jonell
January 17th , 2010 - Lisa 's home
Officers of the club for the year 2009:
President – Marcia Scheeter
Vice President for programs – Christie Rogers
Treasurer – Margaret Jimeson
Secretary/Newsletter – Lisa Woodruff
Librarian – Jane Langford ___________________________________________________________
Karen Johnson-Akers has two studio spaces for rent in her gallery.
$225 for approximately12'x12' and $200 for 10'x10' per month each. Two large windows and a large closet in each room You can e-mail her at reddbird@comcast.net or call 703-9349 if you are interested.
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